I did a similar thing. Sold off 90% of my floppies and kept the ones that meant things to me. Like you this wasn’t about what was worth money but what was important to me getting. First long run (Hulk) or combing through backissue bins to complete (supergirl). I couldn’t get rid of anything Giffen made. Things like that.

I want to pare down my enormous trade collections (many just in long boxes too) but I couldn’t do it yet. But, darkly, I think someday I’ll die and my wife or son will just need to do it. So if I don’t think I’ll reread it I should get rid of it. But I believe I’ll reread them all!

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Oh, I also held onto 90% of my Giffen stuff, partly because I just love his stuff, but also because books like Video Jack and The Heckler are unlikely to ever be collected. I even grabbed a copy of the Lobo Convention Special at DragonCon this last weekend since that one never found its way into my collection.

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Also, I sold them en masse (quick unloading was more important than most profit) but I found it sad how the purchaser was focused on “key issues”. I mean I think he’ll unload/sell them all via conventions. But him talking about “key issues” made me sad.

Looking at my copies of Heckler or Kane made me happy.

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I hope your comics found a good home where they will be appreciated!

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Love reading this!

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